1. Proper Documentation

It is essential that auditors are able to note and document evidence properly in their notes. A good quality audit starts with proper documentation of planning, risk assessment and internal controls. After risks have been identified and documented, it is essential to perform audit procedures to minimize these risks.

2. Non-threatening attitude

Auditors who are aggressive, hostile, angry or difficult are less likely to get feedback than those who are friendly and open. Employees already often feel stressed during audits, and when they feel defensive or ill at ease, the stress can result in less sharing and minimal engagement.

3. Streamline your audit process

Ensure all engagement teams consistently apply and streamline your audit approach so they can focus on areas of high risk and audit execution.

4. Teams are more effective

A single auditor has to listen actively while documenting their findings. In this way, auditing in teams can prove very successful. If one auditor is responsible for recording and the other for listening, both can collaborate and ensure that no information or response is missed. This method also offers a fresh perspective to assessments as well.

5. Real time monitoring

Partners and Managers need to review audit performance on a real time basis. Once the field work is over and they realise that they need to go back to the client for the same work again, it gets messy.

With the help of these tips, and of course your auditing software, you will soon find that the process becomes easier and more effective.